
NYX Round Lipstick Haul + Swatches

I seriously have some sort of lipstick obsession or something XD

Here's my NYX order from eBay seller isync:

Snow White



Black Cherry

Indian Pink

Swatches (Top to bottom: Snow White, Doll, Circe, Black Cherry, Indian Pink)

I think this eBay seller has their own website call Pork Daisy.


Wet n Wild Haul + Mega Last Lipstick swatches

Since Rite Aid is currently having a 40% off of all Wet n Wild cosmetics, I decided to pick up a few things: 4 Mega Last Lipsticks (in Pink Suga', Just Peachy, Coral-ine, and Stoplight Red), Mega Last Nail Color in Morbid, and a Color Icon Lipliner in Brandywine. The lipsticks are normally $2.99 each, the nail polish is normally $1.99, and the eyeliner is normally $0.99. With the discount, it all came out to be a little under $9 :D

Here's everything

235 Morbid is kind of hard to describe. To me, it looks like a black nail polish with a greenish blue sheen/micro glitter

911D Stoplight Red is a BRIGHT red color

903C Just Peachy is more pink on my lips than it looks in the picture

909D Coral-ine is a pretty bright coral/red color

900B Pink Suga' isn't really pink at all... it's more of a nude shade

I've been hearing raves about this on MakeupAlley, so I guess it wouldn't hurt to try it.

Top to bottom: Stoplight Red, Coral-ine, Just Peachy, Pink Suga'


Happy Birthday to me

So today's my birthday and I made myself a green tea chiffon cake. :D

Recipe from here

Instead of using the recommended 8 inch pan... all we had was a larger 10 inch pan, so it looks kind of flat. XD

We liked it so much! The cake is almost gone!

I just wanted to do a quick update. I'll be writing more soon when I have the chance!